Horde-Hellig Usvart (Nuclear
1. "A Church Bell
Tolls Amidst The Frozen Nordic Winds" (1:05)
2. "Blasphemous Abomination of the Satanic Pentagram" (:49)
3. "Behold, The Rising of the Scarlet Moon" (3:23)
4. "Thine Hour Has Come" (4:06)
5. "Release and Clothe The Virgin Sacrifice" (5:39)
6. "Drink from the Chalice of Blood" (3:59)
7. "Silence The Blashemous Chanting" (5:38)
8. "Invert the Inverted Cross" (3:10)
9. "An Abandoned Grave Bathes Softly in the Falling Moonlight" (5:10)
10. "Crush the Bloodied Horns of the Goat" (2:25)
11. "Weak, Feeble, Dying Antichrist" (3:32)
12. "The Day of Total Armageddon Holocaust" (1:43)
This is the black metal disc that caused people to boycott and send nasty hate mail to Nuclear Blast. Why? Because this band supports Christian ideas. Funny how it's a crime to censor anyone except someone who holds to Christian values. Hmmm...
Anyhow, the music on this disc is so feaking fast that it becomes riduculous. The name of the game here is everybody play as fast as you can, whoever gets to the end of the song first wins! Well, that would be true except that this one time project is by one man who plays all the instruments, who's goes by the name Anonymous. Of course most people know that Anonymous is ex-Mortification/Paramaecium drummer Jayson Sherlock. (Well, if ya didn't know, you know now.) The drum work on this disc is outstanding; it almost seems impossible for any human to play that fast. Hellig Usvart" is norwegian and means "Holy Unblack." And in the cover Horde has written: "Vi de udødelige inviterer dere til å slå dere sammen med oss". That is Norwegian to and means something like this: "We the imortal invite you to join us."
Oh, almost forgot to mention, I dig those short catchy song titles.