The self proclaimed Kings of Metal.
Manowar-Battle Hymns (Liberty) 1982
1. "Death Tone" (4:51)
2. "Metal Daze" (4:20)
3. "Fast Taker" (3:56)
4. "Shell Shock" (4:07)
5. "Manowar" (3:38)
6. "Dark Avenger" (6:23)
7. "William's Tale" (1:54)
8. "Battle Hymn" (6:56)
This album opens with the roar of a motorcycle, a Harley no doubt. How appropriate is that?! Manowar cram more heavy metal cliches into this one album than most bands could have done in a carreer. But isn't that what Manowar is all about? Die posers! One of the albums best tracks "Death Tone" has been covered by Overkill on their "Coverkill" album. Orson Wells provides a dramatic narration in the middle of "Dark Avenger". And bassist Joey DeMayo shows off his bass playing ability on a version of the William Tell Overture, "William's Tale". Overall, a good, if not great, Manowar disc.
Manowar-Into the Glory Ride (Geffen) 1983
1. "Warlord" (4:14)
2. "Secret of Steel" (5:50)
3. "Gloves of Metal" (5:26)
4. "Gates of Valhalla" (7:13)
5. "Hatred" (7:43)
6. "Revelation (Death's Angel)" (6:32)
7. "March for Revenge (By the Soldiers of Death)" (8:28)
Hail! All ye soldiers of metal, pick up thy swords and the metal conquest shall continue with disc number two for our conquering heroes of the heavy metal wars. However, thy reviewer is about to commit blasphemy against the most excellent Manowar because for some reason Manowar's second disc never knocked me over like 'Battle Hymns' or 'Hail to England' and is, in my opinion, not one of the band's finest outputs. The disc is perhaps a transition between two of the band's best albums. 'Battle Hymns' was of a much more melodic nature, while 'Hail to England' was much heavier with touches of what was then becoming known as thrash. Unlike 'Into the Glory Ride' both 'Battle Hymns' and 'Hail to England' were more focused and had hooks that kept the masses coming back for more. Still, Manowar's sophmore release was far from bad, but in comparison, it is not my favorite either. I find it somewhat amusing that there are three songs in a row containing the word 'of'.
Manowar-Hail To England (Metal Blade) 1984
1. "Blood of My Enemies" (4:16)
2. "Each Dawn I Die" (4:21)
3. "Kill with Power" (3:57)
4. "Hail to England" (4:24)
5. "Army of the Immortals" (4:25)
6. "Black Arrows" (3:06)
7. "Bridge of Death" (8:58)
"May each note I now play be a black arrow of death to all those who play false metal! Aaaahhhhhh!" So goes the intro to the frantic guitar solo titled "Black Arrows." Do I need to say anymore? Manowar are serious, if not freaking hilarious!
Manowar-Fighting the World (Atco) 1987
1."Fighting the World" (3:53)
2."Blow Your Speakers" (3:43)
3."Carry On" (4:18)
4."Violence and Bloodshed" (4:00)
5."Defender" (6:05)
6."Drums of Doom"-instrumental (1:15)
7."Holy War" (4:44)
8."Master of Revenge" (1:34)
9."Black Wind, Fire and Steel" (5:16)
The band who proclaims death to all posers puts out an overtly commercial, MTV breakthrough song in "Blow Your Speakers." Not really a bad album, but not their best either. "Drums of Doom" is a cannon, I mean drum solo.
Manowar-Kings of Metal (Atlantic) 1988
1."Wheels of Fire" (4:11)
2."Kings of Metal" (3:43)
3."Heart of Steel" (5:10)
4."Sting of the Bumblebee"-instrumental (2:45)
5."The Crown and the Ring (Lament of the Kings)" (4:46)
6."Kingdom Come" (3:55)
7."Pleasure Slave" (5:37)
8."Hail and Kill" (5:54)
9."The Warrior's Prayer" (4:20)
10."Blood of the Kings" (7:30)
Kings of metal? Absolutely. Manowar still proclaiming death to the posers! "Wheels of Fire," "Blood of the Kings," and the title track all ripping holes through my Bose speakers.
Triumph of Steel (Atlantic) 1992
1. "Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts" (28:37)
... Prelude
...i. Hector Storms the Wall
...ii. The Death of Patrocius
...iii. Funeral March -instrumental
...iv. Armor of the Gods -instrumental
...v. Hector's Final Hour
...vi. Death Hector's Reward Part 1 & 2
...vii. The Desecration of Hector's Body -instrumental
...viii. The Glory of Achilles
2. "Metal Warriors" (3:59)
3. "Ride the Dragon" (4:30)
4. "Spirit Horse of the Cherokee" (6:00)
5. "Burning" (5:08)
6. "The Power of thy Sword" (7:49)
7. "The Demon's Whip" (7:44)
8. "Master of the Wind" (5:27)
This album is basically "Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts" with a few extra songs thrown in for good measure. The 28 minute epic song is actually very interesting, although the pummeling drum solo gets a bit boring in the middle. The song does contain a very cool bass solo! No Manowar album would be complete without at least one DEATH TO POSERS song, and this album is no exception with "Metal Warriors." Another great Manowar cover, this one folding out into a full poster.
Manowar-Louder than Hell (Geffen) 1996
1. "Return of the Warlords" (5:19)
2. "Brothers of Metal, Pt. 1" (3:54)
3. "Gods Made Heavy Metal" (6:03)
4. "Courage" (3:48)
5. "Number 1" (5:11)
6. "Outlaw" (3:22)
7. "King" (6:25)
8. "Today Is a Good Day to Die" (9:42)
9. "My Spirit Lives On" (2:09)
10. "Power" (4:09)
"Wearing leather on a horse of steel I ride!" "If you like metal your my friend," and those are just two lines from the first song. Sound familiar? Well at least you can't accuse Manowar of changing with the trends. Still, this is a decent cd, one of their better discs. "Outlaw" is a fast thrash tune, "Courage" is a power ballad and what would a Manowar album be without a guitar solo ("My Spirit Live On")? Another killer cover that folds out into a poster.